One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki

Rob Lucci's Artisan Spirit Banner
Quest Boss Difficulty Conditions Notable Captures/Drops
Artisan Spirit: Novice




Flame Mirror Manual

Flame Fist Manual

Blue Flame Rebirth Manual

Streaming Wolf Swords Manual

Hearty Yell Manual

Demonic Dance Manual

Artisan Spirit: Sure Hand

Artisan Spirit: Professional

DEX Characters Only
Artisan Spirit: Without Equal

DEX Characters Only
Silk Hat


  • 1 Rainbow Gem will be received upon first full clear of all difficulties.
  • Limited-Time Event.
  • All difficulties have the chance to drop all manuals.
  • The higher the difficulty level, the higher the chance you'll have of getting one of the manuals listed above.

Drop rates[]

  • Do you want to know what are the precise drop chances of a poster or manual? Now you can see them here (for Elite and Expert). Also, please help refine that data by sharing the results of your drops through this form.

Tips on How to Beat Rob Lucci's Artisan Spirit[]


General Information[]

This FortNight was originally released as part of a series of 5 FortNights that introduced character restrictions to OPTC. The 15 and 30 stamina restricted units to DEX only units which sometimes meant beginners at the game didn't have a cohesive team. Well don't forget you can bring Evolvers like Crabs and Lobsters and you should be fine. The stage is easy once you learn how to handle Lucci, who really just hits hard and has a health activated special that can wipe out teams in one hit.

It is recommended you have at least two characters above 1,000 damage. You can either approach the level with a DEX boosting captain or a Slasher based captain. Since the most powerful DEX units tend to be slashers, it shouldn't be too hard to fix your team for what works for you. You should try and farm a Bellamy, Doffy, or Miss Doublefinger to help with a burst round if you find you are too weak to push Lucci out in his last 30% health.

Recommended Captains[]

  • DEX leads
  • Roronoa Zoro Ashura Ichibugin: The tank option. Nothing fancy, just smash and watch the below 30% on Lucci.
  • Trafalgar Law ROOM: Law is a rare recruit 2.5x attack lead. This level's units are extremely weak and low defense so an offensive strategy tends to work best and is the fastest and still safe to farm Lucci.
  • Roar of the Sea Scratchmen Apoo: This unit is a little iffy. There are preemptives from Kaku and Lulu as mini-bosses; with Kaku dealing 4k damage and Lulu weakening your orbs, so that you'll likely have to take at least one hit from him. You CAN still clear this stage with Apoo, but it requires you manage your health, and potentially bring along a healing unit like Trafalgar Law Holy Night Gentleman and defense reduction unit like Smoker the White Hunter to reduce damage at the right points. It's risky, relying on meat orbs, but definitely fast. Still, it is recommended you use Law instead - you don't really need Apoo's 3x coupled with need for orb luck, where Law's 2.5x suffices, and is not much slower.
  • Mix Leads
  • Doffy: Tank slasher captain.
  • Mihawk: 2.5x attack lead. Don't bother stalling for his special, you most likely won't even need 17 rounds with a medium strength team (level 50 units).
  • X-Mas Law: A great lead if you haven't farmed a Mihawk yet.
  • Croc: Legend Croc easily handles the preemptive attacks to cause more damage.
  • Croc: Legend Ace makes for another nice lead here, as longas you have some Dex Shooters for subs.

Recommended Support Units[]

For the most part, you'll sort your characters by attack strength and select the the hardest hitting units. The following are some specific subs for team setups to consider.

  • Mihawk: Mihawk's special is not necessary for this level unless you have lower attack units and find taking the level quickly is not possible. If you flip to a stall as long as possible approach, Mihawk's special will lay waste to your Lucci battle with his special.
  • X-Mas Law: A good sub for healing from preemptives. He finds most use on Apoo teams since he requires full health before attacking to be effective.
  • Apoo + Izo will give you full Dex board after Lucci's preemptive shuffle
  • Burst round units for Lucci's 30% health marker
  • Miss DF: With a max cooldown of 8, this is a fantastic character for Lucci's burst round.
  • Usopp Hero Fighter of the Forest: Higher cooldown, higher stats, higher burst power.
  • Doffy or Bellamy: Great orb boosters. If your cooldown is high on Doflamingo, don't discount Bellamy who can help you run the level faster if his cooldown is lower.
  • Duval - a nice F2P unit with good stats and special.
  • Duval - if you are struggling, this is another F2P defense unit which can even help you survive Lucci's <30% hit if you still have over 4k hitpoints remaining

Recommended Sockets[]

No sockets are needed for this fortnight. As always, matching orb sockets or cooldown reducing sockets are very beneficial for speed runs.

Recommended Teams[]

F2P Slasher DEX Team
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0227 F0418F0008F0400F0064 F0227 Coffin Boat
  • All characters picked for stats.
    Can be replaced with any units
    that deal damage for you.
    Consider replacing Hachi first, then MissDF.
    with F2P units like Mr. 1 or Mr 3.

F2P DEX team
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0008 F0418F0227F0392F0400 F0308 Merry
  • Team mixes power with defense.
    Doublefinger and Doffy specials will
    bring down Lucci while Perona
    can buy you stall time.
  • Coffin Boat can be substituted for more
    health, though non-slashers will
    miss out on some damage.
    Friend's Law increases damage,.
    or go with double Zoro for maximum tank.
    Bellamy can be used instead of Doffy.

Speed DEX team
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0308 F0418F0227F0359F0400 F0308 Merry
  • Team provides speed with little risk.
    Doublefinger and Doffy specials will
    bring down Lucci on first turn.

    Use Law and Apoo for full board orbs.
    Can substitute Ballamy and Fat Dex Usopp.
    for Doffy and MissDF.

Risky Speed DEX Team
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0359 F0418F0008F0856F0400 F0359 Merry
  • An aggressive and risky team that deals
    massive damage. Trafalgar law for safety
    against preemptive rounds. Try and look for
    meat orbs to save for each round.
  • All characters picked for stats.
    Can be replaced with any units
    that deal damage for you.

DEX based Cerebral Team
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0720 F0418F0257F0767F0400 F0720 Moby Dick ship
  • Moby Dick MAX
  • High leveled characters
  • Doffy near Croc's cooldown

DEX based Overkill Shooter Team
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0562 F0654F0257F0941F0359 F0562 No Image
  • Striker MAX. Moby Dick or TS or GM will work too.
  • High leveled characters
  • With max units / specials this is a total overkill
  • Even with no skillups you can KO the boss on 1st turn
    just stall and charge non-Duval specials

30 Stamina Walkthrough[]

Most Mid to High-level teams should be able to clear this level without an issue. Almost every round has a mixture of 1-3 cooldown on units, so with 10 stages this level should provide ample stalling where needed without having to take any hits. Which is good, as the are at a minimum two preemptive hits you'll take, and potentially a third if you get the hidden stage on your run.

Stage Strategy Enemy Info
1 Rob Lucci Artisan Spirit - 1 Grunts

There are generally 5-6 bosses for the first few stages. Try and look for one meat orb and save it for your encounter for Kaku as he'll hit you for a preemptive 4,000 damage. You generally will have 10,000 - 18,000 health based on your levels and ship you brought along. Stay above 8,172 after Kaku's hit and you should be fine to take one hit from Lucci. Otherwise, take out the grunts and stall without taking a hit.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern
Grunts -


2 Rob Lucci Artisan Spirit - 2 Grunts + Penguin

Take out the grunts and stall without taking a hit, continue to look for one meet orb if you can.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern




3 Rob Lucci Artisan Spirit - 3 Grunts + Blue Daimyo Turtle

Take out the grunts and stall on the evolvers without taking a hit, continue to look for one meet orb if you can.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern


Blue Daimyo Turtle




4 Rob Lucci Artisan Spirit - 4 Grunts

It's nothing special but worth noting these units have high defense. You'll want to hit at least a good in order to avoid performing only your combo hits worth of damage. Take out the grunts and stall without taking a hit, continue to look for one meet orb if you can. While there are 6 units, you can stop on your last character if you have a meat orb saved as a few are generally on a two turn cooldown and you can take him out on the next round.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern


High defense

attack every turn for 1840 damage

5 Rob Lucci Artisan Spirit - 5 Grunts

Take out the grunts and stall without taking a hit, continue to look for one meet orb if you can.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern




6 Rob Lucci Artisan Spirit - 6 Kaku Dock One Carpentry Specialist

Kaku hits you for a preemptive 4,000 damage. Luckily we were looking for meat orbs and can use one to heal up above 8,172 so that we can take one hit from Lucci. Kaku will appear anywhere between stages 4 and 7. If you get Lulu, Kaku will not appear.

Kaku attacks every two turns. He has no health triggers so just attack him without using specials until he falls.

Enemy Hp Attack Pattern

Kaku Dock One Carpentry Specialist

450,000 hp

Performs a preemptive attack for 4,000 damage.

Attacks every two turns thereafter.

7 Rob Lucci Artisan Spirit - 7 Grunts

You'll notice the grunt in the back has a one turn cooldown, yet auto target doesn't attack him until the end. This is one of the rare cases where auto target is actually right. The grunt in the back won't attack and instead casts anti-healing. He then goes on a two turn Cooldown so it should provide ample stall time.

Take out the grunts and stall on the evolvers without taking a hit.

Enemy Hp Attack Pattern



First turn casts anti-healing. Will attack every two turns after.

8 Rob Lucci Artisan Spirit - 8 Grunts + Blue Daimyo Turtle

Take out the grunts and stall on the evolvers without taking a hit.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern


Blue Daimyo Turtle


8 hp


9 Rob Lucci Artisan Spirit - 9 Grunts + Evolvers

Take out the grunts and stall on the evolvers without taking a hit. Don't bother looking for matching orbs for the next stage as Lucci preemptively shuffles your orbs.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern


Blue Hermit Crab




10 Rob Lucci Artisan Spirit - 10 Rob Lucci Dock One Sawyer, Treenail Specialist

Lucci hits very, very hard. Consider bringing a Damage Reduction character like Perona if you are having a hard time pushing him out in the initial two rounds.

Otherwise, push Lucci to just above the 30% mark and DO NOT cross over this as he will activate his special on his next attack turn for massive damage. After he attacks normally, activate your attack boosters and orb boosters to take him out before he attacks again to avoid taking a hit from his special.

Enemy Hp Attack Pattern

Rob Lucci Dock One Sawyer, Treenail Specialist

900,000 hp + 990 defense

Preemptively shuffles orbs to STR, QCK, and meat orbs.

Attacks every two turns for just over 8,000 damage and shuffles orbs to STR, QCK, and meat orbs.

Once his health falls below the 30% mark, he'll activate his special for ~40,000 damage. He wont' activate the special as soon as his health falls below, only on his turn to attack.

Secret Stage Rob Lucci Artisan Spirit - Sec Grunts + Lulu

These aren't too difficult, though you may take a few hits from preemptive and 1 turn cooldown on Lulu. He particularly hates Apoo as his preemptive attack and swap of RCV and TND slots into STR can really hamper a double Apoo team. This is part of the reason it's not really worth bringing Apoo as a captain, Lulu just hates him. Lulu will appear anywhere between stages 1 and 7. If you get Lulu, you won't have to face Kaku.

Just attack them without using specials until they fall.

Enemy Hp Attack Pattern


39,000 hp

Attacks preemptively for 2,280 damage and shuffles DEX orbs to QCK and switches RCV and TND slots into STR

Attacks every turn thereafter for 2,280 damage.

Team Builder Helper[]

DEX Characters who are Slashers

DEX Characters who Change Orbs

DEX Characters who Boost Attack

DEX Characters who Reduce Defense

DEX Characters who Boost Orb Damage

DEX Characters who Time Delay
