One Piece Treasure Cruise Wiki

Prison Break! Baroque Works Banner
Quest Boss Difficulty Conditions Notable Captures/Drops
Prison Break! Baroque Works: Capture






Prehistoric Power Manual

Brilliant Punk Manual

Four Hundred Base Hits Manual

Mole Banana Manual

Crystal Shield QCK Manual

Superhuman Brass Knuckles Manual

Igarappapa Manual

Prison Break! Baroque Works: Escape




Weaken Type: Greatly lowers Slasher characters' stats.
Prison Break! Baroque Works: Flight




Weaken Type: Greatly lowers Slashers and Strikers stats.
Prison Break! Baroque Works: Freedom






Lowers stats for all Classes other than Fighters, Boosters and Evolvers.
Oh Come My Way


  • 1 Rainbow Gem will be received upon full clear of all difficulty levels.
  • Limited-Time Event.
  • All difficulties get a chance to drop the manual or secret boss.
  • The higher the difficulty level, the higher the chance you'll have of getting one of the manual or secret boss to appear.

Drop rates

  • Do you want to know what are the precise drop chances of a poster or manual? Now you can see them here (for Elite and Expert). Also, please help refine that data by sharing the results of your drops through this form.

How to Beat Prison Break! Baroque Works


General Information

Recommended Captains

Your main opponent will be Escapee Bentham Mr. 2 Bon Clay, with subboss Galdino the Criminal Mr. 3 making a rare appearance. It is recommended you bring a fighter-based team due to the special conditions of this level. All other types will have their health and damage cut by 90%, meaning if you really want them, it better be for their special.

While most people will think of Chef Zeff and Jimbe Warlord of the Sea when they hear fighter based teams, and these are excellent choices, the chain multiplier fighters like Monkey D. Luffy Gear Third and Dark King Rayleigh will provide an easier avenue to victory. Captains like One-Hit Namule can work as well due to the safety of increased health.

  • Chef Zeff - the classic 2.5x Fighter booster, he is still a good f2p Fighter captain, but there are numerous Rare Recruit options that work better.
  • Red-Leg Zeff Cook Pirates Captain - offers the same 2.5x boost and has better stats then old Zeff, but you'll need to watch your health.
  • Jimbe Warlord of the Sea - 2.5xATK boost for Fighter teams gives you a good hitting power for speed runs here. His stats are also much better then Zeff's, through he is QCK, a suboptimal pairing for Mr. 2 DEX.
  • Koala Revolutionary Army - 2.25xATK and 1.5xRCV is not a bad combination, and her special is very good for fighter teams
  • DeCalvan Brothers Brothers’ Bond - 2.25xATK is good, through his secondary attack will not do much. His special is also less useful then Koala's, making him a clear secondary to her, if you have the choice to make.
  • One-Hit Namule - 2xATK and 1.5xHP boost for fighters make him a safe choice for tanking, and his special is very good for fighter teams. You may want to use him as a support if you have one of the captains above, though.
  • Monkey D. Luffy Gear Third, Monkey D. Luffy Voyage Dream: Pirate King and Dark King Rayleigh are chain multipliers and Fighters, and as long as you are good at your timing, they will clear those stages for you.
  • Sengoku the Buddha - not a chain multiplier, but a Fighter with a 3xATK across the board. He will certainly clear this stage.

Recommended Support Units

  • Boosters
  • Time Delay Characters
  • Boa Hancock Warlord of the Sea: Good Time Delay Fighter character that can heal if you are maximizing your delay time.
  • Usopp Usopp Golden Pound: Save him for the final round with Bentham and it should be smooth sailing to defeat him. But do not forget he is a shooter, so his stats will be nerfed here by 90%.
  • Damage Reducers
  • Diamond Jozu: Great fighter who can absorb a hit from Bentham if you are too weak to finish him off during an Usopp delay.

Recommended Teams

Free to Play Fighter Team
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0462 F0004F0249F0434F0015 F0462 Merry
  • Merry Go MAX
  • High levelled characters
  • Stall as much as possible

Standard Safe Fighter Team
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0451 F0217F0249F0210F0015 F0451 Merry
  • Merry Go MAX

Double Luffys (3rd gear or Log)
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0578 F0263F0210F0671F0015 F0578 Merry
  • Merry Go MAX
  • Specials should be around
    15-17 if you plan to use them.
  • This is an offensive team

that is designed to move quick
through the level

Defensive Stall Team
Captain Subs Friend Ship
F0641 F0416F0386F0253F0015 F0641 Merry
  • DeCalvan Brothers Brothers’ Bond can

be replaced with Chef Zeff
or Jimbe Warlord of the Sea

30 Stamina Walkthrough


Most Mid to High-level teams should be able to clear this level without an issue. The trick is making sure you have the fighter units leveled up as they can be neglected when compared to the more powerful Slasher and Striker teams.

Stage Strategy Enemy Info
1 Prison Break - 1 4 Grunts and Evolvers

If you need to stall, take out the grunts and leave the evolvers to slowly take out with a low combo unit. Otherwise, plow through the stage.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern
Grunts -


2 Prison Break - 2 Grunts and Turtle

If you need to stall, take out the grunts and leave the evolvers to slowly take out with a low combo unit. Otherwise, plow through the stage.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern

Grunts, Sea Horse, Turtle

Turtle 12hp

  • Saberman hits for 2,622
  • Turtle hits for 1,100
3 Prison Break - 3 4 Grunts + Evolvers

If you need to stall, take out the grunts and leave the evolvers to slowly take out with a low combo unit. Otherwise, plow through the stage.

The evolvers for this stage have been a seahorse and baby turtle, or penguin and baby turtle.

Enemy Hp Attack Pattern




4 Prison Break - 4 Grunts + Porc

If you need to stall, take out the grunts and leave the evolvers to slowly take out with a low combo unit.

If you've lowered your Usopp Cooldown to 12 or less, you can activate him first thing on this stage and still have it ready for Bentham. This will open 23 round cooldown specials to be used on Bentham for his first round. Otherwise, plow through the stage.

Enemy Hp Attack Pattern



  • Marines hit for 2,580
  • Rifleman hits for 1,380
5 Prison Break - 5 Grunts + Crab + Penguin

If you need to stall, take out the grunts and leave the evolvers to slowly take out with a low combo unit. Otherwise, plow through the stage.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern



Marines hit for 2,580

6 Prison Break - 6 Grunts and Turtle

If you need to stall, take out the grunts and leave the evolvers to slowly take out with a low combo unit. Otherwise, plow through the stage.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern

Grunts and Turtle


  • Canoneers hit for 3,380 every 3 turn
  • Marines hit for 2,442 every turn
7 Prison Break - 7 Master Escape Artist Bentham Mr. 2 Bon Clay + Grunts

Activate your Usopp right away. Take out the grunts followed by Mr. 2. Do not let Mr. 2 attack. If you are not strong enough, bring along Diamond Jozu to absorb his hit.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern

Master Escape Artist Bentham Mr. 2 Bon Clay

Mr. 2: ≈690,000 HP Grunts: ≈5.000

Bentham will begin by doubling all enemies’ attack and defense for 3 turns.

He will deal 8,480 damage on his first attack due to the attack buff. Any attack after that will deal 4,240 damage.

His Special (when 20% Health or below) will deal 8,920 damage and lock 3 random units for 12 turns.

Secret Stage Prison Break - Mr 3 Galdino the Criminal Mr. 3 and Grunts

Galdino is pretty weak as are his Grunts. Take them out as fast as possible.

If you need extra stall time, or want to heal up, try and get Galdino's health below 20% to get full meat slots and 3 extra turns.

Enemy Hp Attack Pattern

Galdino the Criminal Mr. 3


Galdino will preemptively attack your team for 3,036.

He will attack your team for 3,036 in a two turn loop.

When his health falls below 20%, he will not attack but will change your slots to RCV and have a 3 turn Cooldown. After, he will continue his 3,036 attack but on a 3 turn Cooldown loop.

Secret Stage 2 Prison Break - Mr 3 Mr 2 Galdino the Criminal Mr. 3 and Master Escape Artist Bentham Mr. 2 Bon Clay

This stage will show up as an alternate to stage 7.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern

See the Secret Stage and Stage 7 for info

See the Secret Stage and Stage 7 for info

See the Secret Stage and Stage 7 for info

Random Prison Break - Mr 2 Master Escape Artist Bentham Mr. 2 Bon Clay

Mr. Bentham can appear randomly in any of the stages. He will appear by himself. If his health falls below 20%, he will heal back to 80% for his turn but won't attack. Use this as a stall strategy if you need to buy 2 more turns of more time. Note: He will only perform his heal one time.
Enemy Hp Attack Pattern

Master Escape Artist Bentham Mr. 2 Bon Clay


Mr. 2 will launch a pre-emptive attack on your team for 2,620.

If his health falls below 20%, he will heal back to 80% for his turn but won't attack.

Team Builder Helper

Fighters who are Captains

Fighters who are also STR Characters

Fighter Characters with Time Delay

Fighter Characters with Orb Boost

Fighter Characters with Damage Reduction
